15 July 2007

Must be humanity's most complicated question.

In difficult labour,
only the baby or the mom can be saved,
which would you choose?

for girls, put yourself in the mom's shoes 1st,
you would rather sacrifice yourself,
but if you'd think again,
as a child, if you caused your mom's death,
albeit indirectly,
you would still feel lyk crap..

as guys, we do not experience the same feelings,
we'd 1st think of the wife's desire to save the kid,
but if we'd pick the kid, the wife in her deathbed,
might be wondering,
"so my husband chose someone he has never seen,
over me."
or perhaps, we'd blame the kid.
then when we don't keep the kid,
we'd think about how we ceased an innocent life,
a life so pure, yet we chose our wives.

now think about this, i want some reply...

12 July 2007

Marriage's The Theme.

i implore upon students whom may have the knowledge of Literature,
to practice their skills of critical analysis, by playing critic on this peom,
the theme is marriage. And of course, those who take interest,
might play critic too.

you were born together,
and together you shall be forevermore.
Aye, you shall be together,
even in the silent memory of god.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
and let the winds of heaven dance between you.
Love one another but not make a bond of love:
let it rather be
a moving sea between the shores of your soul;
Fill each other's cup
but drink not from one cup;
give another your bread
but eat not from the same loaf.
-Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

9 July 2007

Question in kids' minds, in my mind..

We are all our parents kids,
some of us, have multiple people,
who are held in our hearts like parents,
and in theirs, you are their child.

but when that happens,
it might seem to be a blessing,
til you find yourself
in a compromising situation.

when you get into problems,
the automatically assume the worst,
on your part.

why? why, you ask..
cause they hold themselves in high esteem,
they have committed a sin,
a sin of vainity.. for they think,
that since they bore you,
you'd never change,
you'd continually be that one same person,
you'd never be wise enough for the world,
never be street smart enough,
their judgement will always be better.

now, i happened to step into this conflict,
with an adult, the manager of an mrt station
(shall not say where)
on one account, it was entirely his mistake,
on the 2nd account,
i was drinking in the mrt station,
true.. but when i unconciously said something,
in my defence, he straight away determined,
that i was challenging authority,
that i had to learn a lesson for that..

so remembering the same man from before,
i thought that he was trying to pick on me.
i did tell my mom, that he MIGHT be picking on me,
i said i didn't know, it wasn't a 100%.
i told her i was only 20% sure,
she assumed i was being picked on immediatly,
she told my god parents, my uncle, aunts,
basically, the world.. that i was wrongfully dealt with,
by an adult.. they all were infurated.

so, they brought me, to question the fella,
he immediatly said i was drinking,
and i still challenged authority,
and just cause he said he wasn't trying to teach me,
my godfather said that he was respecting them,
and had to be respected..
it was only his OWN perception.
and now, in my goddad's perception,
i'm wrong, i was rude,
so i defied authority,
i, a hot-blooded New Age Teen,
would ONLY naturally, do such an act.

so i couldn't care less,
i brought up the first case,
the manager, straight away dismissed it,
saying "we have to put that aside."
so, in my goddad's head,
he was apologising, WHAT IS THIS?
just cause he said "put it aside"
he is no longer wrong?

now, EVERYONE in my family,
says i wronged him, i was in the fault,
i challenged him 1st,
i, framed him saying he was INDEED picking on me.
i have to remphasise, i DIDN'T say he was,
i said he MIGHT be.

yeah, adults, just cause they might have lived longer,
always assume things and are automatically right,
they are never wrong, we are,
i gave up arguing, cause it's pointless.
useless to try and convince people,
who are already full of themselves,
they'd never have enough space for children to speak,
children are always wrong..

or is it because, they think we'd never grow up??

5 July 2007


questioning my reasons for doubting,
i have come to a conclusion,
a conclusion i'm sure many are aware of,
but jus don't really know how to bring out..

neither do i,
til i chanced upon an article written by a respected writer..

with doubts, i see many reasonable points and angles
to a certain matter,
i will then proceed to make decisions on that matter,
which will then make me act,
but my action must be carried with enthusiasm
and the initial doubt brings that enthusiasm,
this decision made, must relate to my dreams
and must act according to my will,
for personal reasons and my dreams must and will be fulfiled by me,
then, w/o life, how am i capable of achieving everything?
i've realised the true importance of living

to live, we are given chances to fulfil our desires,
to keep the cycle going and improving
the lives of future generations to go...

P.S. sorry for making you read this,
i don't really know why i'm typing this out either..
but, i have already been wondering for some time,
what do i have to write about.. i guess,
this is the best i can do.. =D