me to do this.
why do girls think that if it's not right,
it's wrong.
nope it's not only a few girls,
it's most girls. i swear..
my mom goes "not you wrong then me la!"
what the fuck? i'm trying to tell you why
the hell i cannot go home straight after
school? or perhaps why the hell i get to
go out on saturdays? or perhaps why
the fuck you shouldn't search my bag?
damn it, i'm not trying to find fault with
anyone or place a fault anywhere.
i'm just trying to justify my views.
there is a god damned difference.
a debate is always about an issue in which
people can never find a solid answer for
it's questions like "can a mom search her
kid's bag?"
if you say yes, then i'd say what about
the kid's privacy and feelings when he
finds his mom can't trust him?
if you said no, then i'd ask what about
the mom? won't she want to know her
kid well enough when the kid won't open
up to her?
see, either way, no one's wrong. idiots.
when i debate with girls over issues,
they happen to think i think i'm right.
god fuck you. whoever said i'm right.
when you guys say "ya ya, you win"
you know how stupid it sounds?
i agree only to piss you off. shit.
i get pissed too when you keep saying
i'm right. cause i don't want to be right
it sounds dumb to say that, but you
just don't get the picture. it isn't
right or wrong.
this is not your science homework,
there are no such things as set answers
this is life. that's why we have our arts,
and that's why your history, geog, lit,
and so-on are subjective. cause there
isn't a right or wrong! almost every
civilisation hates Hitler. but the
germans love him.
are you going to tell the germans they
are wrong cause they love him?
there was a side he shows the germans
that we didnt get to see.
he was nervous on stage and his palms
sweat, like a child at a talent time holding
the mic and on stage for the 1st time.
it's not wrong that they respected him.
under him, they prospered. what's the
rest of the world trying to do?
we are trying to prosper too. he managed
to bring prosperity to his people. but
he brought suffering to the jews.
that doesn't mean he was entirely wrong.
he did give the germans a good life.
but the genocide part was off limits.
so was he right? no, but he wasn't wrong.
there, get it? or do i need to further
elaborate that not everything in this world
has a right and wrong?
all debates are meant for are to justify your
views, instead of trying to find right faults,
maybe you should try making your points
sound more reasonable.
if i come of strong at my arguements and
that makes you feel belittled and unrespected
so much so it hurts your SELF-esteem,
please remember it's SELF-esteem, it's
how you look at yourself.
if i sound like i'm trying to say i'm right and
everyone else is wrong, please record our
conversations and check at which point
i say "you're wrong and i'm right" unless it
was already a written fact and i had it backed.
open your mind and be level headed.
stop thinking that everything is a set piece
we're not playing true or false, we're going
through life as humans and there isn't a
right or wrong
god damned i got loads of free time
maybe too much. so much that
i spend too much of it drinking life away
and everytime i get high and my friends
go for a smoke, i suddenly feel like i need
to see someone. who? i'm not able to tell